Infopharma is a price catalogue for the medicines available on the market. On its pages are published also the new registered products in Bulgaria. It serves customers who are engaged in wholesale and retail with medicines (drug-stores). Infopharma magazine has no analogue in Bulgaria.
Pharmaceutical Monitor is a specialized pharmaceutical magazine for:
• Legal comments about the changes in the normative organization in pharmacy.
• Actual professional information for different health problems and products.
• Analysis of the Bulgarian and foreign pharmaceutical market.
Infodent-BG Ltd. is a part of Infopharma publishing house. The company was incorporated in 2000. Since then Infodent Ltd. has been specialized as a publisher (b2b) of periodic publications in the fields of dentistry and medicine. The company publishes the following titles: Infodent journal, Dental Technics journal, Quintessence Bulgaria journal
Infovet is a specialized publication for veterinary doctors and distributors of animal products. Its mission is to give actual information for prices and availability of the demanded medical means, vaccines, nourishments and consumables in the field of veterinary medicine. The publication is the only one of that sort in Bulgaria. The magazine periodically publishes legal and law-governed normative acts, description of new medicines and nourishments, useful information for stock-breeding till 2019